The h-index in medical education: an analysis of medical education journal editorial boards

Doja, Asif, Eady, Kaylee, Horsley, Tanya, Bould, M Dylan, Victor, J Charles and Sampson, Margaret The h-index in medical education: an analysis of medical education journal editorial boards. BMC Medical Education, 2014, vol. 14, n. 251. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

Abstract Background: Disciplines differ in their authorship and citation practices, thus discipline-specific h-index norms are desirable. Thus the goal of this study was to examine the relationship between the h-index and academic rank in the field of medical education, and the differences in the h-index between MD’s and PhD’s in this field. Methods: Due to the absence of a formalized registry of medical educators, we sampled available editorial board membership (considered a proxy for identifying ‘career’ medical educators) to establish h-index values. These were determined using Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar (GS), and internet searching was used to determine their academic rank. The correlation between authors’ h-indices derived from WoS and GS was also determined. Results: 130 editors were identified (95 full professors, 21 associate professors, 14 assistant professors). A significant difference was noted between the h-indices of full professors and associate/assistant professors (p < .001). Median h-indices equaled 14 for full professors (Interquartile range [IQR] =11); 7 for associate professors (IQR =7) and 6.5 for assistant professors (IQR = 8). h-indices of MD’s and PhD’s did not differ significantly. Moderate correlation between GS and WOS h-indices was noted R = 0.46, p < .001. Conclusions: The results provide some guidance as to the expected h-indices of a select group of medical educators. No differences appear to exist between assistant professor and associate professor ranks or between MD’s and PhD’s.

Spanish abstract

El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la relación entre el índice h y el rango académico en el campo de la educación médica. Debido a la ausencia de un registro formal de los educadores médicos, éstos se determinaron utilizando Web of Science (WoS) y Google Scholar (GS), y la búsqueda en Internet se utilizó para determinar su rango académico. Los resultados proporcionan alguna orientación sobre los índices h esperados de un selecto grupo de educadores médicos. No parecen existir diferencias entre profesor asistente y profesor asociado, o entre MD y PhD.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: h-index; Academic productivity; Medical education; índice h; productividad académica; revistas de educación médica.
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods
Depositing user: Ms Yolanda Galvez
Date deposited: 02 Oct 2015 18:36
Last modified: 04 Oct 2015 10:45


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