Social Phobia and Its Relation with Job Performance of High Education Staffs

Seyyedeh Maryam Hosseini Shirazi, Department of Medical Sciences, Sari branch, Islamic Azad Univer, Hossein Ahmadi, Department of Educational Management, Sari branch, Islamic Azad and Hassan Mirzajani , Department of Educational Studies, University Putra Malaysia Social Phobia and Its Relation with Job Performance of High Education Staffs., 2013 [Preprint]

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English abstract

The main object of this project was examination of the relation between social phobia and the job performance of Mazandaran Islamic Azad universities’ staffs. The method of this research was selected as descriptivecorrelational one, and its statistical universe was (N=1188).Our statistical sample was based on krejcie& Morgan table and n=291 staffs were selected by a classified random sampling. Data gathering tools were two standard questionnaires: Connor social phobia (2000) and Paterson job performance (1970).We analyzed data by descriptive statistics (includes: frequency and percentage) and inferential statistics (includes: Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression), with using SPSS software. Results showed that there is a significant negative relation between social phobia and its components with job performance. Also, social phobia components (avoidance, fear and physiologic problem, respectively) were some significant predictors for job performance. This study is a comprehensive understanding about social phobia disorder and its importance on job performance, and also it can be a basis for future research.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: social phobia, job performance, staffs, Islamic Azad universities
Subjects: F. Management.
Depositing user: Hassan Mirzajani
Date deposited: 14 Dec 2015 13:49
Last modified: 14 Dec 2015 13:49


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