Integracija slobodnog softvera u sistem obrazovanja

Vucic, Vedran Integracija slobodnog softvera u sistem obrazovanja., 2016 . In Slobodan softver u nastavi, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, January 30, 2016. (In Press) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Author described continuous interaction between the development of science, the human activities and thought. The paper presents synergy between the development of legal relations, understanding of human rights and implementation of symbolic, linguistic and technological achievements embodied in free software. Author put an emphasis on role of education in articulation of multidisciplinary approach to education and implementation of free software in education.

Serbian abstract

Autor u ovom tekstu opisuje kontinuitet u razvoju nauke, čovekovog delovanja i razmišljanja koje nužno dovodi do sinergije razvoja pravnih odnosa, poimanja ljudskih prava i primene simboličkih, lingvističkih i tehnoloških dostignuća u obliku slobodnog softvera. Autor naglašava ulogu obrazovanja u efikasnom i odgovornom artikulisanju multidisciplinarnog pristupa obrazovanju i primene slobodnog softvera u nastavi.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: technology, free software, education, social development
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading. > CC. User categories: children, young people, social groups.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CD. User training, promotion, activities, education.
Depositing user: Vedran Vucic
Date deposited: 14 Feb 2016 13:41
Last modified: 14 Feb 2016 13:41


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