Si può "apprendere" la complessità? Nuove competenze per una Information literacy sensibile al divenire dell'ecosistema informativo

Testoni, Laura Si può "apprendere" la complessità? Nuove competenze per una Information literacy sensibile al divenire dell'ecosistema informativo., 2016 . In Bibliotecari al tempo di Google: profili, competenze, formazione, Milano, 16-17 marzo 2016. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

This paper analyzes the structure and the origins of the “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education” adopted by the ACRL Board, January 11, 2016, with a particular attention to the American and international context.<br/> The goal of the article is to outline the new librarian’s role emerging from the “Framework”. In the “Framework” the librarian is a professional that: • Comes out from the library and reaches out to potential partners in the Campus. • Takes care of the information ecosystem complexity, even if it means to come out from their own “Comfort zone”. • As a “coach” his/her focus is on the “Why” rather than on the “How-to” during the activity of searching for information. As a trainer his/her focus is on the learning processes rather than on the learning outcomes. • Considers him/herself as in a Community of practice with his/her students. • Educates, fosters and motivates his/her students to a responsible and awesome contents creation activity. All those arguments are discussed. At the end of the paper we argued that the Framework asks the librarian to take a step back into the comfortable certainty of relying his/her training activity on some standardized, uniform and defined once and for all learning outcomes. On the other hand the Framework asks the librarian to take a big step forward into teaching and encouraging the students to express themselves in the dramatically changing context of the scientific communication.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Information literacy, media literacy, transliteracy, digital literacy, education
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading. > CE. Literacy.
Depositing user: Laura Testoni
Date deposited: 29 Mar 2016 07:32
Last modified: 29 Mar 2016 07:32


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