Cooperation and collaboration in electronic journal acquisition; a preliminary investigation

Johnson, Ian M Cooperation and collaboration in electronic journal acquisition; a preliminary investigation., 2006 . In Sofia 2006 International Conference, Sofia (Bulgaria), 8-10 November, 2006. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Library consortia have traditionally been formed in order to share print-based resources, but more recently have sought to enhance access to electronic journals. Their development has provided new opportunities both to evaluate their impact, and to identify the Critical Success Factors in cooperation in the librarianship and information field. This paper aims to review the key features of these consortia that are indicated by the literature and the extent to which they have been objectively evaluated. The key features include the benefits of consortial purchasing of electronic journals not only for libraries and their users, but also for publishers; and the different pricing and licensing models in use. This is followed by a review of the different approaches to the organization and operation of library consortia established for this purpose. This covers what is involved in forming a consortium, the different types of consortia and administrative infrastructures, and arrangements for negotiating with publishers and for cost sharing between members of the consortium. Finally the paper considers the challenges for libraries of working together in partnership. Evidence examined to date suggests that, whilst many of the claims made about the benefits of consortia may be valid, there is little empirical evidence to support most of them, and the various approaches to the organisation and operation of consortia have not been evaluated.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Library consortia; cooperation; collaboration; evaluation; electronic publishing; collection development; acquisition; finance
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > EB. Printing, electronic publishing, broadcasting.
E. Publishing and legal issues. > EC. Book selling.
F. Management.
F. Management. > FA. Co-operation.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HI. Electronic Media.
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Professor Ian M. Johnson
Date deposited: 02 Sep 2016 07:26
Last modified: 02 Sep 2016 07:26


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