Analisis tingkat kepuasan pemustaka tentang kualitas layanan perpustakaan dengan menggunakan metode libqual+tm : studi deskriptif di perpustakaan pusat institut teknologi bandung

Islamy, Muhammad Abdillah Analisis tingkat kepuasan pemustaka tentang kualitas layanan perpustakaan dengan menggunakan metode libqual+tm : studi deskriptif di perpustakaan pusat institut teknologi bandung. EDULIB, 2016, vol. 1, n. 75. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

Service is the key element of a success of a library as the it is directly related to the user in the dissemination of information and the utilization of services and facilities in the library. User's satisfaction is a feeling level where someone stated that the results of the comparison of the performance of services is accepted and expected. The focus of this research is to measure user satisfaction of the quality of service provided in ITB Central Library, based on expectations and the perception of the users. The research method used is descriptive, namely "research done to know the value of the independent variables, whether one or more variables without making a comparison or connect one variable with other variables". The population in this research were all members of the central library at the Bandung Institute of Technology that are still active by may 2016, totally 13168 members. The determination of the criteria of the research samples was using the technique of proportionate stratified random sampling, and samples of this study were 99 respondents. Data analysis techniques used was LibQUAL Method+TM to measure customer satisfaction based on the quality of the library service, LibQUAL+ consists of three-dimensional that made the measurement indicator namely Affect of Service (performance of librarians in giving services), Information Control (quality of information and access to information) and library as Place (library facility). Technique of data collection used was questionnaires. The results of this research shows that users' satisfaction on the quality of service at Central Library of ITB is in "satisfaction" category. The highest level of user satisfaction of each dimension based on the gap score is the dimension of the Library as Place (library facility) ,dimension of Affect of Service (performance of librarians in giving services),and dimension of Information Control (the quality of information and access to information).

Indonesian abstract

Layanan merupakan unsur utama dalam pencapaian suatu keberhasilan perpustakaan disebabkan bagian inilah yang berhubungan langsung dengan pemustaka dalam penyebaran informasi serta pemanfaatan jasa dan fasilitas yang ada di perpustakaan. Kepuasan merupakan tingkat perasaan di mana seseorang menyatakan hasil perbandingan atas kinerja jasa yang diterima dan yang diharapkan. Fokus penelitian ini adalah mengukur kepuasan pemustaka tentang kualitas layanan di Perpustakaan Pusat Institut Teknologi Bandung berdasarkan harapan dan persepsi pemustaka. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah desktiptif, penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai variabel mandiri, baik satu variabel atau lebih tanpa membuat perbandingan atau menghubungkan variabel satu dengan variabel lainnya”. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh anggota perpustakaan Pusat Institut Teknologi Bandung yang masih aktif per mei 2016, berjumlah 13168 orang. Penentuan kriteria sampel penelitian digunakan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling, Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 99 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Metode LibQUAL+TM untuk mengukur kepuasan berdasarkan kualitas layanan perpustakaan, LibQUAL+ TM terdiri dari tiga dimensi yang dijadikan indikator pengukuran yaitu Affect of Service (kinerja petugas dalam pelayanan), Information Control (Kualitas dan akses informasi) dan Library as Place (sarana perpustakaan). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan pemustaka tentang kualitas layanan perpustakaan pusat ITB telah memenuhi harapan dalam kategori “puas” . Urutan tertinggi tingkat kepuasan pemustaka perdimensi berdasarkan skor kesenjangan adalah Dimensi Library as Place (Sarana Perpustakaan) ,Dimensi Affect of Service (Kinerja Petugas dalam Pelayanan), dan Dimensi Information Control (Kualitas dan Akses Informasi).

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: Analisis kepuasan, kualitas layanan, metode LibQUAL+TM,Analysis of Users Satisfaction, Quality of Service, LibQUAL+TM Method
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AB. Information theory and library theory.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DD. Academic libraries.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HB. Gray literature.
Date deposited: 02 Sep 2016 08:47
Last modified: 02 Sep 2016 08:47


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