Fragile Watermarking of Medical Image for Content Authentication and Security

Boujemaa, Nassiri , Abdelaziz, El aissaoui , Yousef, EL mourabit, Rachid, Latif and Aziz, Bsiss Mohammed Fragile Watermarking of Medical Image for Content Authentication and Security. IJCSN - International Journal of Computer Science and Network, 2016, vol. 5, n. 5. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

Currently in the health environment, medical images are a very crucial and important part of the medical information because of the large amount of information and their disposal two-dimensional. Medical images are stored, transmitted and recovered on the network. The images users await efficient solutions to preserve the quality and protect the integrity of images exchanged. In this context, watermarking medical image has been widely recognized as an appropriate technique to enhance the security, authenticity and content verification. Watermarking image may bring elements of complementary research methods of classical cryptography. The objective of this paper is to develop a method to authenticate medical images to grayscale, detect falsified on these image zones and retrieve the original image using a blind fragile watermarking technique. We propose a method based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the application of content authentication. In our algorithm, the watermark is embedded into the sub-bands detail coefficient. The subbands coefficients are marked by adding a watermark of the same size as three sub-bands and a comparison of embedding a watermark at vertical (LH), horizontal (HL) and diagonal (HH) details. We tested the proposed algorithm after applying some standard types of attacks and more interesting. The results have been analyzed in terms of imperceptibility and fragility. Tests were conducted on the medical images to grayscale and color size 512 × 512.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: Watermarking, DWT, Imperceptibility, Authenticity, Fragility, Normalized Hamming Distance, Medical Image
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > IH. Image systems.
Depositing user: IJCSN Journal
Date deposited: 29 Oct 2016 02:32
Last modified: 29 Oct 2016 02:32


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