Lectura y universidad: hábitos lectores de los estudiantes universitarios de España y Portugal

Yubero, Santiago and Larrañaga, Elisa Lectura y universidad: hábitos lectores de los estudiantes universitarios de España y Portugal. El profesional de la información, 2015, vol. 24, n. 6, pp. 717-723. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Reading and university: Study of reading habits of Spanish and Portuguese university students. The process of adaptation to the Bologna process undergone by Spanish universities only provides for reading skill as a transversal or cross-cutting competency of a basic instrumental nature within the framework of development of generic competencies. It is, however, essential to achieve said reading skill at university; this consists of the development and strengthening of voluntary reading behaviours, generating lifelong reading habits. Although it may seem surprising, the data obtained from the study of a significant sample of Spanish and Portuguese students reflect that a number of university students lack reading habits or do not read voluntarily. The data obtained reaffirm the fact that educational institutions and university libraries must offer resources and services aimed at promoting reading, with the goal of strengthening the reading skills of university students.

Spanish abstract

Aunque el proceso de adaptación al Plan de Bolonia en las universidades españolas sólo recoge, dentro del desarrollo de competencias genéricas, la competencia lectora como trasversal de carácter instrumental básico, la necesidad de conseguir la competencia lectora en la universidad es imprescindible y pasa necesariamente por adquirir y reforzar un comportamiento lector voluntario que genere hábitos lectores. Los datos de este estudio de una muestra significativa de estudiantes universitarios de España y Portugal, aunque pueda parecer sorprendente, reflejan que un buen número de estudiantes universitarios no tienen hábito lector, ni leen de forma voluntaria. Los datos reafirman la necesidad de que los centros docentes y las bibliotecas universitarias ofrezcan recursos y servicios orientados a la promoción de la lectura para fortalecer la competencia lectora de los universitarios.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Promoción lectora; Hábito lector; Lectura voluntaria; Competencia lectora; Estudiantes universitarios; España; Portugal; Reading promotion; Reading habit; Voluntary reading; Reading skills; University students; Spain; Portugal.
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DD. Academic libraries.
Depositing user: Unnamed user with email mvalerio@mundo-r.com
Date deposited: 18 Nov 2016 23:11
Last modified: 18 Nov 2016 23:11
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/30340


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