Praktik manajemen rekod penelitian di yayasan studi hukum dan kebijakan Indonesia sebagai lembaga penelitian = Praxis records management research at the foundation of Indonesian centre for law and policies studies as a research institution

Elnumeri, Farli Praktik manajemen rekod penelitian di yayasan studi hukum dan kebijakan Indonesia sebagai lembaga penelitian = Praxis records management research at the foundation of Indonesian centre for law and policies studies as a research institution., 2014 [Preprint]

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English abstract

The focus of this study is the record management praxis in order to develop research at the Foundation of Indonesian Centre for Law and Policies Studies. This study used qualitative research methods through an ethnographic approach. The results showed that the problem of creation and use of records based on the concept of lifecycle records. This arises because researchers and research support staff do not yet have an agreement to organize their records. The results of the study suggest that the records manager can be a gatekeeper between researchers, non-research staff and external parties relating to organize of records of ongoing research. As a gatekeeper, the record manager can help researchers and non-researchers organize records created during ongoing research activities.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: records management, research record, record manager
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HC. Archival materials.
Depositing user: Farli Farli Elnumeri
Date deposited: 28 Mar 2017 12:41
Last modified: 28 Mar 2017 12:41


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