“The Goal: Achieving information Literacy.” Zurkowsky, 1974. Le conoscenze per la gestione competente e consapevole dell’informazione nell’ecosistema digitale.

Melchiori, Fabrizio “The Goal: Achieving information Literacy.” Zurkowsky, 1974. Le conoscenze per la gestione competente e consapevole dell’informazione nell’ecosistema digitale., 2017 [Preprint]

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English abstract

Zurkowsky more than forty years ago noted a phenomenon which was now under the eyes of all: the information permeated every aspect of human life, from music to sport, from the cinema to the newspapers, and so on. The information was saturating and conditioning the life and history of mankind. The information overload, the overabundance of information required and requires more knowledge and expertise in the management of the mechanisms of production and selection of the documentation. Terms such as "information literacy" and "information need", coined at the time, are still very valid today, in a world that is increasingly complex and where man has had to resort to a metaphor as digital ecosystem to explain the existence a parallel world to its natural ecosystem, but where there is still haunting the number of those who do not have expertise and knowledge of how to access and conscious management, including so-called Millennials, a high-tech system that has changed, influenced and revolutionized, to put it as Levy Strauss, the relationship between nature and culture.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: information literacy, information need, information overload, millennials, net generation, surface Web, deepnet, darknet, ecosistema digitale, ecosistema naturale, nativi digitali, immigrati digitali
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading. > CE. Literacy.
Depositing user: dott. Fabrizio Melchiori
Date deposited: 02 May 2017 06:44
Last modified: 02 May 2017 06:44
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/31007


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