Determinant Factors in Applying Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Healthcare

Abdekhoda, Mohammadhiwa and Mirza Salih, Kawa Determinant Factors in Applying Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Healthcare., 2017 [Preprint]

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English abstract

Abstract Objectives: Meaningful use of picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) can change the workflow for accessing digital images, lead to faster turnaround time, reduce tests and examinations, and increase patient throughput. This study was carried out to identify determinant factors that affect the adoption of PACS by physicians. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 190 physicians working in a teaching hospital affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences were randomly selected. Physicians’ perceptions concerning the adoption of PACS were assessed by the conceptual path model of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Collected data were analyzed with regression analysis. Structural equation modeling was applied to test the final model that was developed. Results: The results show that the UTAUT model can explain about 61 percent of the variance on in the adoption of PACS (R2 = 0.61). The findings also showed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influences, and behavior intention have a direct and significant effect on the adoption of PACS. However, facility condition showed to have no significant effect on physicians’ behavior intentions. Conclusions: Implementation of new technology such as PACS in the healthcare sector is unavoidable. Our study clearly identified significant and nonsignificant factors that may affect the adoption of PACS. Also, this study acknowledged that physicians’ perception is a key factor to manage the implementation of PACS optimally, and this fact should be considered by healthcare managers and policy makers. Keywords: picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), physician, structural equation modeling

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Physician, Structural equation modeling
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
B. Information use and sociology of information > BG. Information dissemination and diffusion.
Depositing user: Dr. Mohammadhiwa Abdekhoda
Date deposited: 22 Nov 2017 07:21
Last modified: 22 Nov 2017 07:21


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51. Alrawashdeh, T. A., M. I. Muhairat, and S. M. Alqatawnah. “Factors Affecting Acceptance of Web-based Training System: Using Extended UTAUT and Structural Equation Modeling.”

52. Tan, P. J. B. “Students’ Adoptions and Attitudes towards Electronic Placement Tests: A UTAUT Analysis.”

53. Nassuora, A. B. “Students Acceptance of Mobile Learning for Higher Education in Saudi Arabia.”

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10 Perspectives in Health Information Management, Summer 2017

55. Paola Torres Maldonado U, Feroz Khan G, Moon J, Jeung Rho J. E-learning Motivation and Educational Portal Acceptance in Developing Countries. Online Information Review. 2011;35(1):66-85.

56. Alrawashdeh, T. A., M. I. Muhairat, and S. M. Alqatawnah. “Factors Affecting Acceptance of Web-based Training System: Using Extended UTAUT and Structural Equation Modeling.”

57. Tan, P. J. B. “Students’ Adoptions and Attitudes towards Electronic Placement Tests: A UTAUT Analysis.”

58. Nassuora, A. B. “Students Acceptance of Mobile Learning for Higher Education in Saudi Arabia.”

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60. Tan, P. J. B. “Students’ Adoptions and Attitudes towards Electronic Placement Tests: A UTAUT Analysis.”

61. Usoro, A., R. Echeng, and G. Majewski. “A Model of Acceptance of Web 2.0 in Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study of Two Cultures.”

62. Alrawashdeh, T. A., M. I. Muhairat, and S. M. Alqatawnah. “Factors Affecting Acceptance of Web-based Training System: Using Extended UTAUT and Structural Equation Modeling.”

63. Echeng, R., A. Usoro, and G. Majewski. “Acceptance of Web 2.0 in Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study Nigeria.”

64. Nassuora, A. B. “Students Acceptance of Mobile Learning for Higher Education in Saudi Arabia.”

65. Alrawashdeh, T. A., M. I. Muhairat, and S. M. Alqatawnah. “Factors Affecting Acceptance of Web-based Training System: Using Extended UTAUT and Structural Equation Modeling.”

66. Tan, P. J. B. “Students’ Adoptions and Attitudes towards Electronic Placement Tests: A UTAUT Analysis.”

67. Nassuora, A. B. “Students Acceptance of Mobile Learning for Higher Education in Saudi Arabia.”


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