O futuro é hoje: perfis e competências dos profissionais da informação para a curadoria digital

Freitas, Cristiana O futuro é hoje: perfis e competências dos profissionais da informação para a curadoria digital., 2017 . In Encontro de Curadoria Digital: estratégias e experiências, Lisboa, 29 a 30 de junho de 2016. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

This paper addresses the issue of training in digital curation, whose curricula are developed based on the digital curation curriculum competencies and knowledge matrix in the Digital Curation Curriculum (DCC) lifecycle model and DigCurV (Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe Project) evaluation framework. For this purpose, the courses with the specific designation of "digital curators", which are taught at European higher education institutions accredited by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and / or are members of iSchools , in order to ascertain what skills and knowledge are indispensable for the professionals of the information for the exercise of functions of digital curatorship, as well as what the role of the digital curator.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Curadoria Digital; Preservação Digital; Profissionais da Informação; Instituições de Memória; Formação Profissional
Subjects: G. Industry, profession and education. > GG. Curricula aspects.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GI. Training.
J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JG. Digitization.
J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JH. Digital preservation.
Depositing user: Cristiana Freitas
Date deposited: 16 Oct 2017 21:17
Last modified: 16 Oct 2017 21:17
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/31832


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