Digital preservation of scientific e-journals: Colombian case study

Soto, Arley Digital preservation of scientific e-journals: Colombian case study., 2015 Master thesis thesis, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. [Thesis]

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English abstract

Largest publishers and biggest libraries around the world have treated the long-term preservation of scientific e<journals with high standard practices. There are international initiatives that provide both libraries and publishers a digital redundancy of digital works, and availability of the content if a trigger event happened, so they are considered good practices to assure long-term access for users. Some national libraries have also a key role in the preservation of scientific e-journals. However, these best practices are not a reality for small publishers or independent journals in Latin America. The aim of the study is to have a better understanding about the digital preservation of scientific e<journals in Colombia. The work was done under the case study research method. Ten interviews were applied to high-level people from several organizations involved in the process of digital preservation of scientific e-journals. The analysis was a combination of deductive and inductive methods, from a qualitative approach, using the grounded theory and constant comparative analysis technique. The results are that digital preservation of scientific e-journals is a multilevel practice, its main objective is to reduce the risk of losing digital content and the aim is to provide long term access to the users. Digital preservation is influenced by the cultural and organizational change, because people involved in the process are still living a transition from printed to digital-born issues. Digital preservation is part of a long<term planning at several levels; it requires a synergy between the actors involved, including policies at journal, publishers, research and national level. All of these policies required meeting standards and copyright requirements to became the preservation feasible. The policies should include not only roles and responsibilities but also the strategies and infrastructure required. As conclusion, Latin America countries have the responsibility and the opportunity to provide long-term solutions to scientific e<journals, but they need to undertake actions at journal, publisher, research and national level

Item type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Keywords: Electronic publishing; Digital preservation; E-journals; Case study; Colombia; E-journal preservation; Scientific communication; Scientific E-journals; Scholarly publishing; Grounded theory; Constant comparative analysis
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > EB. Printing, electronic publishing, broadcasting.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HN. e-journals.
Depositing user: Arley Soto
Date deposited: 06 Nov 2017 23:05
Last modified: 06 Nov 2017 23:05


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