Mikroračunalnik v posodabljanju knjižničnega poslovanja

Kanič, Ivan Mikroračunalnik v posodabljanju knjižničnega poslovanja. Knjižnica, 1986, vol. 30, n. 3/4, pp. 91-106. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Libraries in technologically more advanced countries began to use computers already three decades ago. Describing the introduction of microcomputers in libraries the author tries to answer basic questions: why to computerize the library; which system to choose; when the central system and when micro; which functions from among library operations; how to perform it; what can be demanded from the system; which tested systems are available. The author thinks that our present most promising micro is ATARI 520 ST+ with the program system STEVE and with the belonging specialized programmes which could at the final stage command all the processes of library operations. A successful use of all these achievements will be possible only by a proper education of librarians who will have to adopt a positive and critical relation to the modem technology.

Slovenian abstract

V tehnološko razvitem svetu si je računalnik že pred tremi desetletji utrl pot v knjižnice. Ob prikazu te poti skuša avtor odgovoriti na osnovna vprašanja: zakaj sploh avtomatizirati knjižnico; kateri sistem izbrati; kdaj centralni sistem, kdaj mikroračunalnik; katere funkcije v poslovanju knjižnice; kako to izvesti; kaj lahko od sistema zahtevamo; katere že preizkušene sisteme imamo pri nas. Avtor meni, da je ta hip v našem prostoru najperspektivnejši računalnik ATARI 520 ST+ s programskim sistemom STEVE in pripadajočimi specializiranimi programi, ki bo v končni fazi obvladal vse procese v poslovanju knjižnice. Vse te dosežke pa bo mogoče uspešno uporabljati le ob pravilnem izobraževanju in osveščanju knjižničnih delavcev, ki morajo privzeti pozitiven in kritičen odnos do sodobne tehnologije.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: libraries, library automation, microcomputers
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LQ. Library automation systems.
Depositing user: Mr Ivan Kanič
Date deposited: 08 Jan 2018 08:49
Last modified: 08 Jan 2018 08:49
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/31912


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