Preserving Bibliographic Relationships in Mappings from FRBR to BIBFRAME 2.0

Zapounidou, Sofia, Sfakakis, Michalis and Papatheodorou, Christos Preserving Bibliographic Relationships in Mappings from FRBR to BIBFRAME 2.0., 2017 . In 21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. TPDL 2017., Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-21 September 2017. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

In the environment of the World Wide Web large volumes of library data have been pub-lished following different conceptual models. The navigation through these volumes and the data interlinking require the development of mappings between the conceptual models. Library conceptual models provide constructs for the representation of bibliographic families and the relationships between Works. A key requirement for successful map-pings between different conceptual models is to preserve such content relationships. This paper studies a set of cases (Work with single Expression, Work with multiple Expres-sions, translation, adaptation) to examine if and how bibliographic content relationships and families could be preserved in mappings from FRBR to BIBFRAME 2.0. Even though, relationships between Works of the same bibliographic family may be preserved, the progenitor Work is not always represented in BIBFRAME after mappings.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: BIBFRAME, bibliographic families, content relationships, FRBR, interoperability, linked data, representation patterns
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > ID. Knowledge representation.
I. Information treatment for information services > IE. Data and metadata structures.
Depositing user: Sofia Zapounidou
Date deposited: 28 Dec 2017 16:06
Last modified: 28 Dec 2017 16:06


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