Evaluar revistas científicas: un afán con mucho presente y pasado e incierto futuro

Delgado López-Cózar, Emilio . Evaluar revistas científicas: un afán con mucho presente y pasado e incierto futuro., 2017 In: Revistas científicas: situación actual y retos de futuro. Universitat de Barcelona, pp. 73-103. [Book chapter]

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Revistas cientificas 2017 4 Delgado Emilio Evaluar revistas cientificas p 73-103.pdf - Published version
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English abstract

This chapter analyses the reasons behind the evaluation of scientific journals in all scientific fields, especially activities aimed at assessing the performance of scientists. Secondly, it describes the methods, procedures and criteria that can be used to evaluate scientific journals. This section establishes a two-dimensional approach to evaluating journals: as a scientific communication method and as a social institution that represents a community of scientists. It considers a number of evaluation criteria for each dimension. With respect to the first dimension, which is designed to assess the editorial quality of a journal, the indicators analysed include compliance with regulatory standards, management of the editorial process, visibility and accessibility, use, impact, reputation and quality of content. In terms of the second dimension, the most appropriate method for gaining an insight into a journal is bibliometrics, and the key indicators that can be used include production, authorship, collaboration, topic, analysis of references and social networks.

Spanish abstract

La primera y principal razón de tal evaluación estriba en el significativo papel desempeñado por las revistas como medios de comunicación científica, dado que constituyen el modo preferente empleado por los científicos para dar a conocer los resultados de sus investigaciones. Asimismo, en casi todas las disciplinas, en especial en las ciencias naturales, experimentales y buena parte de las sociales, las revistas son la principal fuente de información sobre los nuevos hallazgos, técnicas, hechos e ideas que se van descubriendo.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: academic journals, open access, electronic journals, evaluation, revistas académicas, acceso abierto, revistas electrónicas, evaluación
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HA. Periodicals, Newspapers.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HN. e-journals.
Depositing user: Laia Bonet Bagant
Date deposited: 19 Mar 2018 23:33
Last modified: 19 Mar 2018 23:33
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/32132


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