Determining cognitive distance between publication portfolios of evaluators and evaluees in research evaluation : a case study of Physics department

Rahman, A. I. M. Jakaria and Guns, Raf Determining cognitive distance between publication portfolios of evaluators and evaluees in research evaluation : a case study of Physics department., 2017 [Technical report]

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English abstract

This technical report is prepared in the context of A. I. M. Jakaria Rahman’s PhD project on Determining cognitive distance between publication portfolios of evaluators and evaluees in research evaluation: Exploration of informetric methods. Similar technical reports on Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemistry and Veterinary Sciences department are also available at the institutional repository of the University of Antwerp (

Item type: Technical report
Keywords: Barycenter; Bootstrapping; Cognitive distances; Confidence intervals; Expert panel; Journal overlay map; Matching research expertise; Overlay maps; Research evaluation; Similarity matrix; Similarity-adapted publication vector; Web of Science subject categories; Weighted cosine similarity.
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods
Depositing user: A. I. M. Jakaria Rahman
Date deposited: 05 Mar 2018 11:18
Last modified: 05 Mar 2018 11:18


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