Effective methods in preventing plagiarism in medical research: A qualitative study at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences-Iran

Soltany, Nayer, Abdekhoda, Mohammadhiwa and Habibi, Shafi Effective methods in preventing plagiarism in medical research: A qualitative study at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences-Iran. Bali Medical Journal, 2018, vol. 7, n. 2, pp. 407-414. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Background: The most effective way to manage problems in research, especially plagiarism, is to prevent them from initially occurring. Therefore, comprehensive planning to prevent and reduce plagiarism, or actions to internalize honesty in speech, behavior, and actions, will not only make researches worthwhile but also reduce plagiarism. Methods: In this qualitative research, eighteen faculty members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences participated from 2015-2016. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview and analyzed by qualitative content analysis (Mayring method). Results: Effective factors in the prevention of plagiarism were extracted and presented in 23 subclasses and four themes including policy-making, legislation, an institutionalization of ethics in research, and the application of technology capabilities. Conclusion: Providing strategic and operational plans to internalize ethics in research and gradual changes in policy making and updating laws and regulations are factors affecting preventive measures. Also, with an increase in information literacy and applying information technology capabilities, it is possible to prevent informed and uninformed plagiarism.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Duplicate Publication, Ethics, Health Research, Institutionalization, Plagiarism
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > EB. Printing, electronic publishing, broadcasting.
E. Publishing and legal issues. > ED. Intellectual property: author's rights, ownership, copyright, copyleft, open access.
Depositing user: Dr. Mohammadhiwa Abdekhoda
Date deposited: 17 May 2018 04:11
Last modified: 17 May 2018 04:11
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/32731


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