Genetic Algorithm based Cluster Head Selection for Optimimized Communication in Wireless Sensor Network

Saravanan, Palani, Yarlagadda Venkata Subba, Rao and Kanampalli Sai Kiran, Reddy Genetic Algorithm based Cluster Head Selection for Optimimized Communication in Wireless Sensor Network. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2018, vol. 119, n. 12, pp. 13423-13435. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Wireless Sensor Network (WSNs) utilizes conveyed gadgets sensors for observing physical or natural conditions. It has been given to the steering conventions which may contrast contingent upon the application and system design. Vitality administration in WSN is of incomparable significance for the remotely sent vitality sensor hubs. The hubs can be obliged in the little gatherings called the Clusters. Clustering is done to accomplish the vitality effectiveness and the versatility of the system. Development of the group likewise includes the doling out the part to the hub based on their borders. In this paper, a novel strategy for cluster head selection based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) has been proposed. Every person in the GA populace speaks to a conceivable answer for the issue. Discovering people who are the best proposals to the enhancement issue and join these people into new people is a critical phase of the transformative procedure. The Cluster Head (CH) is picked using the proposed technique Genetic Algorithm based Cluster Head (GACH). The performance of the proposed system GACH has been compared with Particle Swarm Optimization Cluster Head (PSOCH). Simulations have been conducted with 14 wireless sensor nodes scattered around 8 kilometers. Results proves that GACH outperforms than PSOCH in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio and energy efficiency.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Clustering, Cluster Head selection, Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
B. Information use and sociology of information > BC. Information in society.
Depositing user: Raster Daster
Date deposited: 02 Aug 2018 07:31
Last modified: 02 Aug 2018 07:31


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