A framework for investigating pet owners’ health information behaviour intervention

Solhjoo, Niloofar, Naghshineh, Nader, Fahimnia, Fatima and Ameri-naeini, Ali Reza A framework for investigating pet owners’ health information behaviour intervention., 2017 [Preprint]

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English abstract

Objective: This study is a part of a research aiming to determine whether an information prescription given by veterinarians in a general pet clinic would change the behaviours of pet owners about using pet health information resources on the internet. For this purpose, we develop a model to intervene and evaluate pet owner’s online health information seeking behaviour (HISB). Methods: The framework emerges from a systematic literature review and qualitative content analysis. NVivo 10 was used in this paper as an analysis tool for coding text and for supporting framework generation through identifying patterns. Results: We indicate the most influencing factors on online HISB of pet owners, including human-pet relationship, veterinary-client interactions, and pet owner’s health literacy. Discussion: We strengthen our findings further by learning from health behaviour models which lead to a better pet health promotion. Based on adaption of the Interaction model of client health behaviour (IMCHB), we developed our initial model. Conclusion: this model serves as an initial step to engage information scientists and veterinarians for planning on pet health information outreach. However, future research needs to test the proposed model in various case studies and populations.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: Health Information seeking behaviour, Information prescribing, Internet, Pet owners, Models
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields .
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CD. User training, promotion, activities, education.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DK. Health libraries, Medical libraries.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HT. Web 2.0, Social networks
Depositing user: Ms. Niloofar Solhjoo
Date deposited: 15 Nov 2018 10:45
Last modified: 15 Nov 2018 10:45
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/33680


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