Репрезентація моди на шпальтах жіночих часописів Львова (кінець XIX — перша третина XX ст.)

Астапцева, Христина Репрезентація моди на шпальтах жіночих часописів Львова (кінець XIX — перша третина XX ст.). Наукові записки, 2016, vol. 2, n. 53, pp. 380-395. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Research methodology. To get the main results of the scientific work, we have used such general scientific methods as information and cultural ones. The object of the study, namely women’s press, has been studied in the context of the information about the women’s movement, social, political and economic circumstances. Within the cultural approach, the attention has been focused on fashion as a cultural phenomenon and its representation of women media in Lviv in the end of the ХІХth the first third of the XXth century. Results. Analysing a number of Ukrainian and Russian women’s magazines in Lviv, we have singled out a group of publications, covering fashion and topics relevant to it, as well as the specific features in the presentation of the materials of the outlined topics. Novelty. The full research of Galician prewar magazines for women was possible only after Ukraine gained the status of an independent and sovereign State. In the present context Lviv women’s magazines of the end of the XIXth the first third of XXth century has been poorly studied, and the representation of fashion, as one of its aspects, is considered for the first time. The study of women’s magazines has revealed the hidden meaning of stages of the historical process. Therefore, the specific features of fashion trends reflected on the pages of women’s periodicals in Lviv helped to identify the causes that led to the social progress and development in the second half of the XIXth the first third of the XXth century. Practical significance. The applied significance pf the scientific work is to contribute to the revival of Ukrainian press for women helping each find their readership, model its purpose, content, structure, external and internal form, stylistic unity, artistic design.

English abstract

This article deals with froms and techniques of fashion representation as a socio­cul­tural phenomenon on the pages of women’s magazines of Lviv, particularly its Ukrainian and Russian language segments in the end of XIX th — early XX th century. The main focus is on the typology of media coverage and specificity of fashion trends in review sections and journalistic articles devoted to fashion. Research methodology. To get the main results of the scientific work, we have used such general scientific methods as information and cultural ones. The object of the study, namely women’s press, has been studied in the context of the information about the women’s movement, social, political and economic circumstances. Within the cultural approach, the attention has been focused on fashion as a cultural phenomenon and its representation of women media in Lviv in the end of the ХІХth the first third of the XXth century. Results. Analysing a number of Ukrainian and Russian women’s magazines in Lviv, we have singled out a group of publications, covering fashion and topics relevant to it, as well as the specific features in the presentation of the materials of the outlined topics. Novelty. The full research of Galician prewar magazines for women was possible only after Ukraine gained the status of an independent and sovereign State. In the present context Lviv women’s magazines of the end of the XIXth the first third of XXth century has been poorly studied, and the representation of fashion, as one of its aspects, is considered for the first time. The study of women’s magazines has revealed the hidden meaning of stages of the historical process. Therefore, the specific features of fashion trends reflected on the pages of women’s periodicals in Lviv helped to identify the causes that led to the social progress and development in the second half of the XIXth the first third of the XXth century. Practical significance. The applied significance pf the scientific work is to contribute to the revival of Ukrainian press for women helping each find their readership, model its purpose, content, structure, external and internal form, stylistic unity, artistic design.

Ukrainian abstract

Проаналізовано форми і методи репрезентації моди як соціокультурного яви­ща на шпальтах жіночої періодики Львова, зокрема її українсько­ та російсько­мовного сегментів кінця ХІХ — першої третини ХХ ст. Головну увагу зосередже­но на типології видань і специфіці висвітлення модних тенденцій в оглядових і публіцистичних статтях рубрик, присвячених моді.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: fashion; clothes; Lviv women’s periodicals; illustration; magazines
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > EA. Mass media.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HA. Periodicals, Newspapers.
Depositing user: Mrs Khrystyna Astaptseva
Date deposited: 22 Nov 2018 10:10
Last modified: 22 Nov 2018 10:10
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/33713


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