A Conceptual model for an OWL ontology to represent the knowledge of transmedia storytelling

Pastor-Sánchez, Juan-Antonio and Saorín, Tomás A Conceptual model for an OWL ontology to represent the knowledge of transmedia storytelling., 2018 . In 15th International ISKO Conference, Porto, Portugal, 9-11 July 2018. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

This paper proposes a conceptual model and an OWL ontology for the representation and knowledge organization of transmedia narratives and the creation of RDF datasets. The authors have adopted an approach based on the development of a flexible conceptual model for the management and representation of information accessible in a network environment. The conceptual model identifies a series of entities, attributes and relationships to describe, organize and interrelate the knowledge of transmedia contents. From the conceptual model an OWL ontology has been developed in which SKOS has been widely used in the ontology to separate the conceptual description of resources. The conceptual model allows the design of architectures for the consumption of contents and the ontology offers a first conceptual level for the organization of knowledge of transmedia narratives.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Ontologies, Transmedia Storytelling
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology
Depositing user: Juan-Antonio Pastor-Sánchez
Date deposited: 01 Feb 2019 18:27
Last modified: 01 Feb 2019 18:27
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/33908


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