La transferencia de la formación del profesorado universitario. Aportaciones de la investigación reciente

Ornelas-Gutiérrez, David, Cordero-Arroyo, Graciela and Cano-García, Elena La transferencia de la formación del profesorado universitario. Aportaciones de la investigación reciente. Perfiles educativos, 2016, vol. 37, n. 154, pp. 57-75. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The article examines the topic of transfer of training. We conducted document research focused on anlyzing prior meta-analytic works and literature reviews, conducted in Europe and the United States between 1988 and 2013. The main results find that transfer is a construct which alludes to effective and ongoing application in the work of learning obtained in training. Accomplishing transfer is not an automatic phenomenon, but rather a voluntary one, influenced by variables related to characteristics of the learner, the design and development of training, or the work environment. According to empirical studies, the influential variables most strongly associated with transfer are: the cognitive ability of the learner, her scrupulousness and voluntary involvement in training, the support of the supervisor or fellow learners, and the climate of transfer and organizational restrictions in the work environment.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: State of the art, Document research, Teacher training Theoretical models, Educational evaluation
Subjects: G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Phd Graciela Cordero Arroyo
Date deposited: 01 Jul 2019 17:08
Last modified: 01 Jul 2019 17:08


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