Horizontes críticos da Agenda 2030: experiências pedagógicas como forma de transformação social

Calil Júnior, Alberto / ACL and Saldanha, Gustavo / GS Horizontes críticos da Agenda 2030: experiências pedagógicas como forma de transformação social., 2019 [Preprint]

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English abstract

From a letter to change the socio-environmental conditions of September 2015, United States member have adapted the document "Transforming our world: the Agenda 2030 for a sustainable development". The manifesto seeks economic, environmental and social development from the perspective of sustainability. In this scenario, the library is demarcated as a model institution for performing the actions and the librarian as the central agent in this change. The proposal of Agenda 2030 and the notion of "transformation" at the heart of the proposition lead us to the encounter of a critical pedagogy in Library and Information Science (LIS). Questioning how the discourse in its materiality unfolds in other dimensions of significance in social reality, we developed a course of reflection and application of ideas on the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations in the School of Librarianship of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), structurally based on Paulo Freire's pedagogical-critical thinking. The research sought to construct a method of critical reflection in the classroom on the impact of manifestoes, protocols and social agendas in LIS, in the period 2016-2018. For the first pole of the theoretical reference, epistemological reflections of Paul Otlet (1934), Miguel Ángel Rendón Rojas (2005), Solange Puntel Mostafa (1985) and Shiyali R. Ranganathan (2009) were selected. In the scope of the field's foundation, a plural, local and global view of authors from different traditions, namely Brazil, Mexico, Europe and Asia, was favored. In the second pole of this referential, we selected Pierre Bayard (2007), Pierre Bourdieu (2007), Roger Chartier (2002), Paulo Freire (2013), Michèle Petit (2009), Jacques Rancière in libraries, knowledge, information, social transformation. The research has shown that the discursive materiality of Agenda 2030 can be lost in its own birth-born state, stillborn to the extent that the educational process in the field does not incorporate constructs capable of sustaining and promoting critical reflection on the determinants of social reality. The relation attacked by Freire (1987) between “action” and the “world” is thus removed from theory, not knowing the dilemmas in its political forms of maintaining inequality and exploitation. This departure establishes objects of study still based on epistemic neutrality, like implied figures, empty of meaning. However, the pedagogical perspective of the research demonstrates the potential of this historical and contemporary transformation of this tendency, allowing to perceive the Agenda in its critical and dynamic political condition.

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Agenda 2030 – United Nations; Social theory; Education in Library and Information Science; Critical theory.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: Agenda 2030 – United Nations; Social theory; Education in Library and Information Science; Critical theory.
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AB. Information theory and library theory.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Gustavo GSS Saldanha
Date deposited: 15 May 2019 23:30
Last modified: 15 May 2019 23:30
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/34468


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