Evaluating a Conceptual Model of Credibility Evaluation of Web Information: Structural Equations Modeling Approach

Keshavarz, Hamid, Fahimnia, Fatima, Noruzi, Alireza and Esmailie Givi, Mohammadreza Evaluating a Conceptual Model of Credibility Evaluation of Web Information: Structural Equations Modeling Approach. Iranian Journal of Information processing and Management, 2019, vol. 34, n. 3, pp. 993-1022. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The current research aimed to develop a localized and literature-dependent model related to credibility evaluation of web information as identified by students in top universities of Iran. In terms of its usability, the model then will be evaluated in a sample of student users in top universities of Iran. Finally, the research population for testing the model is students enrolled in top universities of Iran in curriculum year of 2016-2017. Data analysis conducted by software like LISREL 8.7 and SPSS20 which are developed for Structural Equation Modelling. Such statistic tests like confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation ratio, Friedman Test, multivariate analysis of variance were used for data analysis according to each research question. The Web Information Credibility Scale-Persian (WICS-P) was validated according to the structural and overall goodness of fit showing a high quality on measuring the variable in the context studied. There exists, however, differences among the dimensions. As the first research exploring the concept in Iran, the current research is a response to the lack of such a tool in related literature.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Web information credibility, Credibility evaluation, Universities, Information behavior, Modeling
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading. > CB. User studies.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HQ. Web pages.
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Dr. Alireza Noruzi
Date deposited: 03 Aug 2019 22:13
Last modified: 03 Aug 2019 22:13
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/38885


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