Challenges of the Implementation of Folksonomy in Library Software of Iran

Lotfi Bakhshayesh, Zahra, Noruzi, Alireza and Bani Eghbal, Nahid Challenges of the Implementation of Folksonomy in Library Software of Iran. International Journal of Current Life Sciences, 2014, vol. 4, n. 10, pp. 8388-8396. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Objective: The purpose of this study is the feasibility of applying tagging and categorizing people (Folksonomy) in library software of Iran. By using folksonomy services, libraries can take an important step in accelerating the process of provision and disseminating information and by using user-oriented participatory methods they can convert libraries and informational centers to dynamic and user-oriented organizations. Therefore this study deals with the feasibility of applying tagging and categorizing people (folksonomy) in existing library software of Iranian universities and reviews the fields of design and creation of user and folksonomy oriented libraries. Methodology: Research methodology is survey, descriptive and comparative. And the statistical population of this study consists of common library software in Iranian universities including three comprehensive software of Simorgh (product of Nosa Company), DJ LIB Pars Azarakhsh (product of Pars Azarakhsh Company), and Sana (product of Payam Mashregh Company). In descriptive section, data and preliminary data collection tools have investigated 41 items of the feasibility capabilities of implementation of folksonomy in the library software by using a checklist that includes 5 indicators (including the need for creation and implementation, application and development, support and librarian functions) and 25 checklist were distributed between managers and staff of information centers and university libraries, library software engineers and programmers and the results were reviewed. And for this purpose the survey, analysis and comparative research methods were used and after the data collection, the data analysis was conducted in accordance with the research questions. Findings: Study findings determined that Sana Library Software has got the highest score at index of: 1. measures required for folksonomy; 2. strategies and implementation of Folksonomy; 3. ability to run and develop folksonomy in the library software; 4. the tasks of librarians in providing services by utilizing folksonomy capabilities and Pars Azarakhsh Digital Library Software has acquired the highest rating at index; and 5. updated supports of Folksonomy in library software. Conclusion: On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that Sana (product of Payam Mashregh Company) has achieved significant progress in creating appropriate infrastructure for implementation of folksonomy and Pars Azarakhsh software progress is not considerable and the comprehensive software of Simorgh, at the last ranking, has not created an appropriate infrastructure for implementation and it is far from reaching such facilities and the goal. Finally, guidelines and recommendations derived from the study for infrastructure of software has been provided.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Social tagging; Library classifications; information sources, Folksonomies; Library software; OPAC
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > ID. Knowledge representation.
L. Information technology and library technology > LR. OPAC systems.
L. Information technology and library technology > LS. Search engines.
Depositing user: Dr. Alireza Noruzi
Date deposited: 14 Aug 2019 14:01
Last modified: 14 Aug 2019 14:03


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