Art, school and museum: the analysis of an experience in art education at the university Museum of Art - MUnA

Araujo, Gustavo Cunha de Art, school and museum: the analysis of an experience in art education at the university Museum of Art - MUnA. Educação e Pesquisa, 2018, vol. 44, pp. 1-18. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

From a theoretical and empirical perspective, the article analyzes an experience in art education developed with students of the public school system in Uberlândia city, Minas Gerais State, at the University Museum of Art - MUnA, Brazil. With a qualitative approach and a descriptive and interpretative character, the research found that the contact with an art museum allows the student not only to broaden his knowledge of the world, but also to enrich his cultural education and improve his capacity for expression. It also provides students a greater interaction with the social environment in which they live. Knowledge in art is an apprenticeship that starts from the observation of a work of art, reading and artistic practice. The readings and behaviors that each student has when appreciating a work of art are related to his experience with different artistic manifestations. It is indispensable that schools, art teachers and educational actions in museums be important mediators for the art knowledge production to students. Building this knowledge from the constant access to these artistic and educational spaces, as well as the development of artistic activities in these spaces, may allow the student to broaden his understanding of the national culture. We also verified that the students produced significant artistic works during the educational action in the museum, which contributed to their greater experience with art.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Art education; Art museum; Artistic experience; Culture
Subjects: G. Industry, profession and education.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Dr Gustavo Cunha de Araujo
Date deposited: 15 Oct 2019 12:29
Last modified: 15 Oct 2019 12:29


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2- Erickson, Frederick. Qualitative methods in research on teaching. Michigan: the Institute for Research on Teaching, 1985.

3- In order to preserve the anonymity of the researched school, we use only the term “school” to designate it in the course of this article.

4- Congress of the Art Federation/Educators of Brazil.

5- National Association of Fine Art Researchers.

6- National Association of Postgraduate and Research in Education.

7- The identities of the students were kept secret, in respect to their anonymity and abiding by the established ethical procedures for scientific research.

8- REY, Sandra. Por uma abordagem metodológica da pesquisa em artes visuais. In: Brites, Blanca; Tessler, Elida (Org.). O meio como ponto zero: metodologia da pesquisa em artes visuais. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2002. p. 123-140.


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