Policy formulation needed for the management and digital delivery of theses information

Francis, A. T. Policy formulation needed for the management and digital delivery of theses information. Indian Journal of Agricultural Library and Information Services, 2009, vol. 25, n. 1. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Though theses contain valuable information, least facility available in universities in India to deliver this information to the outside users. As compared to many western universities, researchers in India give less priority for publishing the theses in book or any other form. Similar system prevails in the case of other unpublished documents like dissertations, research reports, etc. Efforts of the national agencies like UGC, ICAR, etc. to digitize the theses and provide information on it to the researchers will reap maximum effectiveness if based on some national level policies and mandatory rules. This paper describes the need for establishing a national depository and frame rules for the mandatory depositing of the thesis at source in digital format.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: theses information, e-thesis, agricultural information srvices, university library
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues.
I. Information treatment for information services
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HP. e-resources.
Depositing user: Dr. A.T. Francis
Date deposited: 19 Jan 2010
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:56
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/3984


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