An Investigation into the Relationship between Knowledge Management Infrastructures and Organizational Intelligence in Research Centers of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

Shekari, Mohammad Reza, Esmaili Givi, Mohammad Reza and Keshavarz, Hamid An Investigation into the Relationship between Knowledge Management Infrastructures and Organizational Intelligence in Research Centers of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Iranian Research Institute for Science and Technology, 2016, vol. 31, n. 4, pp. 1057-1094. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

This study investigates the relationship between knowledge management infrastructures and organizational intelligence in two research centers of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, namely Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology and Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. The research is a survey in descriptive manner. Using two validated questionnaires related to knowledge management infrastructures and organizational intelligence, the research was conducted among 175 faculty members and staff of the two research centers. Collected data were then analyzed by SPSS and PLS software. Factor analysis showed a high factor loading related to the two main variables and all of the items indicated goodness of fit of the questions. Variance mean ratio between two variables was higher than 0.5 indicating a high convergent validity. R squares for organizational intelligence showed fitness of structural equating model. Goodness of fit for Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology was 0.642 lower than Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies with 0.645. Path analysis indicated a significant relationship between two variables by 95% degree of confidence accepting the two research hypothesis. By comparison, knowledge management infrastructures was more correlated with organizational intelligence in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies than Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology. Knowledge management infrastructures in Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology predicted organizational intelligence by 0.826 percent while in the Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies by 0.848 percent.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Organizational Intelligence, Knowledge Management Infrastructures, Comparative Evaluation, Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
Subjects: F. Management. > FE. Personnel management.
F. Management. > FJ. Knowledge management
G. Industry, profession and education. > GD. Organizations.
Depositing user: Hamid Keshavarz
Date deposited: 05 Apr 2020 12:41
Last modified: 05 Apr 2020 12:41


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