Del pragmatismo a la tecnocracia. Miseria de la Biblioteconomía (From pragmatism to technocracy. Library Science misery)

Martín-Valdunciel, M. Engracia Del pragmatismo a la tecnocracia. Miseria de la Biblioteconomía (From pragmatism to technocracy. Library Science misery)., 2020 (Unpublished) [Review]

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English abstract

In this article a reflection on the meaning of the academic library in the 21st century is proposed from the publication of the book: The politics of theory and the practice of critical librarianship. From the dissociation of theory / praxis, library science is characterized by a very contradictory tradition. The tecnocratics models, that come being hegemonic in the educational and cultural institutions, have deepened this duality that is analized in this paper.

Spanish abstract

El trabajo invita a reflexionar sobre el sentido de la biblioteca académica del siglo XXI a propósito de la publicación: The politics of theory and the practice of critical librarianship. El campo de las bibliotecas arrastra una tradición muy contradictoria a partir del divorcio entre teoría y praxis. Los modelos tecnocráticos, hegemónicos en las instituciones culturales y educativas en las últimas décadas, han profundizado esa dualidad que parece pertinente volver a pensar.

Item type: Review
Keywords: Academic library; technocracy; neoliberalism; theory; critical librarianship; management; pragmatism; Biblioteca académica; tecnocracia; neoliberalismo; teoría; biblioteconomía crítica; management; pragmatismo.
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AB. Information theory and library theory.
Depositing user: M. Engracia Martín Valdunciel
Date deposited: 08 Jun 2020 17:31
Last modified: 08 Jun 2020 17:31


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