CyberStacks(sm:A 'Library-Organized' Virtual Science and Technology Reference Collection

McKiernan, Gerry CyberStacks(sm:A 'Library-Organized' Virtual Science and Technology Reference Collection. D-Lib Magazine, 1995, vol. 1995, n. Dec. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

A common critique of the World Wide Web(WWW), and the Internet in general, is that while there are numerable and usefulness information sources that are accessible, identification of significant resources is not as efficient and effective as many desire. To facilitate access to selected WWW and other Internet resources, a prototype demonstration service called CyberStacks(sm) ( has been created that has adapted the classification scheme used by the Library of Congress and other major research libraries to identify and organize significant reference resources in a variety of scientific and technological disciplines.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: CyberStacks(sm); Library of Congress Classification scheme; science and technology; reference works; World-Wide Web;
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology
H. Information sources, supports, channels.
I. Information treatment for information services
Depositing user: Gerry McKiernan
Date deposited: 06 Jan 2003
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:57


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