OPAC development as the genre transition process. Part II: OPAC genre analysis

Nahotko, Marek OPAC development as the genre transition process. Part II: OPAC genre analysis. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 2020, vol. 67, n. 3, pp. 164-172. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The purpose is to present library OPAC as a communication genre in its mutability. The paper is based on the idea of OPAC development as a transition to subsequent OPAC generations. Every generation, in the light of genre theory, can be treated as a subgenre with its own communication purpose. As such, it is subject to transformations caused by information technology development. OPAC development is described as an electronic genre transition process, which allows for distinguishing eight OPAC subgenre generations. They were distinguished based on socio-historical development of the genre system and were described according to Shepherd and Watters1genre development model. These subgenres are then subjected to genres analysis revealing their basic characteristics (purpose, form and functionality).

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: OPAC generations; OPAC development; communication genres; genre analysis
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AB. Information theory and library theory.
L. Information technology and library technology > LD. Computers.
L. Information technology and library technology > LR. OPAC systems.
Depositing user: prof. Marek Nahotko
Date deposited: 16 Oct 2020 22:54
Last modified: 16 Oct 2020 22:54
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/40559


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