Application of Interdisciplinary Theory of Genres in LIS

Nahotko, Marek Application of Interdisciplinary Theory of Genres in LIS. Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej – Studia Informacyjne, 2020, vol. 58, n. 1A, pp. 57-74. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Purpose/Thesis: The article presents the possibilities of using the interdisciplinary theory of genres, developed in the study of linguistics, literary studies, rhetoric, sociology, philosophy, psychology and other disciplines, in library and information science (LIS). The article argues the application of genre theory to LIS offers a new and interesting interdisciplinary perspective. Approach/Methods: A critical analysis of the literature on the subject introduces the basic premises of the interdisciplinary theory of text/information genres in its historical development in the world and in Poland. A similar method was used to present the most important directions genre theory opens to LIS. Results and conclusions: Before genre theory was first applied to LIS, it was developed in disciplines such as linguistics, literature, rhetoric, communication and media, discourse analysis, sociology, pedagogy and others and in many countries on all continents (mainly in the USA, Australia, Brazil and Scandinavian countries). The theory’s success is a result of its interdisciplinary development, beginning from linguistic and classical rhetorical genres approach and problems of categorizing texts to “de facto genres” and their function in everyday communication activities (social/rhetoric approach). Applied to LIS, it frames information objects as social constructs whose meaning is constructed in social discourse, driven by genre knowledge. The library and other information systems should be treated as a social communication activity in the recurrent situation of organizing and retrieving information. It means that the work of a librarian (or other information organizers) involves rhetorical activity of creating information objects, as does the work of other information creators, e.g. authors of scholarly publications. The functioning of information system, i.e. production and organization of textual information should be investigated using methods applied in other disciplines, especially humanities and social sciences, as it allows for a broader research perspective. Originality/Value: The article describes the possibilities of applying genre theory in LIS research, which still do not receive the attention they merit. A wider knowledge of the genre theory would make possible collaborative research involving scholars of other disciplines such as linguistics and sociology.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: genre theory; genre studies; interdisciplinary research; LIS interdisciplinarity; LIS theories
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AB. Information theory and library theory.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields .
Depositing user: prof. Marek Nahotko
Date deposited: 23 Nov 2020 23:23
Last modified: 23 Nov 2020 23:23


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