Aggressiveness, instability and social-emotional education in an inclusive environment

Tur-Porcar, Ana-M., Llorca-Mestre, Anna and Mestre-Escrivá, Vicenta Aggressiveness, instability and social-emotional education in an inclusive environment. Comunicar, 2021, vol. 29, n. 66, pp. 45-55. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

In the context of inclusive schools, social-emotional learning encourages student involvement in classroom life and is related to a decrease in maladaptive behaviour. The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of a social-emotional education program on aggressiveness and emotional instability in childhood. Participants were 555 children aged 7 to 12 years (M=9.2 and SD=1.5), 55.5% boys and 45.5% girls. The children were students of primary education at six public schools in Valencia (Spain). The sample was distributed into an experimental group (317 children; 57.2% of the total participating population) and a control group (238 children). The teachers of the experimental group received training to implement the program in class. The teachers of the control group received no training and did not apply the program. The results in the pre-test and posttest phases in both groups are analysed. In the pretest phase, significant differences appeared between the groups: the experimental group showed higher levels of aggressiveness and emotional instability than the control group. In the post-test phase, aggressiveness and emotional instability decreased significantly in the experimental group (medium-high effect size), whilst aggressiveness and emotional instability increased in the control group. The effects of the program on the students are discussed further.

Spanish abstract

En el marco de la escuela inclusiva, el aprendizaje socioemocional y personalizado fomenta la implicación del alumnado en la vida del aula y se relaciona con la disminución de la conducta desadaptativa. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto de un programa de educación socioemocional en la agresividad y la inestabilidad emocional en la infancia. Han participado 555 niños/as de 7 a 12 años (M=9,2 y DT=1,5), 55,5% niños y 45,5% niñas. Estudian Educación Primaria en seis colegios públicos del área metropolitana de Valencia (España). La muestra se ha distribuido en un grupo experimental (317 niños/as; 57,2% de la población total participante) y un grupo control (238 niños/as; 42,8% del total). El profesorado del grupo experimental recibió formación para implementar el programa en clase. El profesorado del grupo control no recibió formación ni aplicó el programa. Se analizan los resultados en la fase pretest y postest en ambos grupos. En la fase pretest, aparecen diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos: el grupo experimental muestra niveles más altos en agresividad e inestabilidad emocional que el grupo control. En la fase postest bajan significativamente la agresividad y la inestabilidad emocional en el grupo experimental, con un tamaño del efecto medio-alto; mientras que en el grupo control suben la agresividad y la inestabilidad emocional. Se discuten los efectos del programa en el alumnado.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Inclusion; social-emotional learning; aggressiveness; emotional instability; childhood; primary education; Inclusión; aprendizaje socioemocional; agresividad; inestabilidad emocional; infancia; Educación Primaria
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BJ. Communication
G. Industry, profession and education.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Alex Ruiz
Date deposited: 09 Jan 2021 06:50
Last modified: 09 Jan 2021 06:50


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