The Abandonment of the Assignment of Subject Headings and Classification Codes in University Libraries due to the Massive Emergence of Electronic Books // El abandono de la asignación de encabezamientos de materia y códigos de clasificación en las bibliotecas universitarias debido a la incorporación masiva del libro electrónico.

Gil-Leiva, Isidoro, Fujita, Mariângela, Díaz Ortuño, Pedro and Dos Reis, Daniela The Abandonment of the Assignment of Subject Headings and Classification Codes in University Libraries due to the Massive Emergence of Electronic Books // El abandono de la asignación de encabezamientos de materia y códigos de clasificación en las bibliotecas universitarias debido a la incorporación masiva del libro electrónico. Knowledge Organization, 2020, vol. 47, n. 8, pp. 646-667. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The massive and unstoppable emergence of electronic books in libraries has altered their organization. This disruptive technology has led to structural changes. Currently, an e-book exists only if its metadata exists. The objective of this article is to analyse the impact that the massive incorporation of electronic books in university library systems is having in the processes of assignment of subject headings and classification codes. We carried out a survey of more than six hundred libraries, which means almost all the university libraries in Portugal, Spain, England, United States, Brazil, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Australia. From the results obtained, it is deduced that: 1) librarians expect ebooks to be provided with descriptive metadata related to the subject headings and classification codes; 2) the bibliographic records provided by publishers/providers seem to be improvable; 3) the quality of the metadata provided by the providers does not seem to be taken into account when selecting publishers for the purchase; 4) the discovery tools are also clearly improvable; 5) it seems that there is no "frustration" or "stress" among librarians about the changes produced in relation to technical processes; and, 6) it does not seem that we are facing a paradigm shift motivated by these issues.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Eboks, subject headings, classification codes, university libraries, Portugal, Spain, England, United States, Brazil, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Australia; Encabezamientos de materia, códigos de clasificación, bibliotecas universitarias, e-books
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > IA. Cataloging, bibliographic control.
I. Information treatment for information services > IB. Content analysis (A and I, class.)
Depositing user: Isidoro Gil Leiva
Date deposited: 28 Jan 2021 17:45
Last modified: 28 Jan 2021 17:46


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