Plassard, Marie-France The IFLA Response [English version presented at the International Conference] = La risposta dell'IFLA [Versione italiana presentata alla Conferenza internazionale]., 2001 . In International Conference Electronic Resources : Definition, Selection and Cataloguing, Rome, 26-28 November 2001. [Conference paper]
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English abstract
Ten years ago, IFLA's Long Term Policy, developed by the Executive Board and adopted by Council in Moscow, included the description of the new and expanded role of libraries in view of the development of new technologies, insisting on the new functions they should assume (access to electronic databases, networking, etc.). IFLA also recognized in this document the importance of elaborating international technical standards and protocols relevant to library practice. Several years later, the Professional Board, when drafting its Medium-Term-Programme 1998-2001, put a special emphasis on the electronic environment. This emphasis has been reflected in all plans of IFLA professional units with a large range of relevant activities (projects, research papers, seminars and workshops, etc.). They have covered rights managements, use of electronics in various settings and for different media, training, and, of special interest to us here, standards for the organization of electronic resources, including the use of classification as a finding tool.
Italian abstract
Dieci anni fa la Politica a lungo termine dell'IFLA, sviluppata dal Comitato Esecutivo e adottata dal Consiglio a Mosca, includeva la descrizione del nuovo ruolo delle biblioteche, e lo espandeva, in vista dello sviluppo di nuove tecnologie, ponendo 'accento sulle nuove funzioni che le biblioteche avrebbero dovuto assumere (accesso ai database elettronici, connessione in rete, etc.). 'IFLA riconosceva anche, in questo documento, 'importanza di elaborare standard tecnici internazionali e protocolli pertinenti alla pratica bibliotecaria. Diversi anni dopo il Comitato Professionale, mentre preparava le bozze del suo Programma a Medio Termine per gli anni 1998-2001, dava particolare rilievo al contesto elettronico. Questo rilievo si è riflesso in tutti i piani delle unità professionali del'IFLA con un ampio spettro di importanti attività (progetti, relazioni di ricerca, seminari, gruppi di lavoro, etc.). Queste attività hanno avuto come oggetto la gestione dei diritti, l'uso del'elettronica in diversi contesti e per diversi media, 'educazione e, di particolare interesse per noi in questo contesto, gli standard per l'organizzazione delle risorse elettroniche, compreso l'uso della classificazione come strumento di reperimento.
Item type: | Conference paper |
Keywords: | IFLA, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, electronic resources, risorse elettroniche, ISBD(ER), metadata, metadati, UNIMARC, FRBR, Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, Requisiti funzionali per le registrazioni bibliografiche, Guidelines for OPAC displays, GARR, Guidelines for Authority and Reference Records, UNIMARC/Authorities, preservation, conservation, conservazione, copyright |
Subjects: | H. Information sources, supports, channels. E. Publishing and legal issues. > ED. Intellectual property: author's rights, ownership, copyright, copyleft, open access. I. Information treatment for information services J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. |
Depositing user: | Maria Cristina Bassi |
Date deposited: | 03 Jan 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:57 |
URI: | |
Medium-Term Programme 1998-2001, compiled by the Professional Board of IFLA and edited by Sally McCallum. The Hague: IFLA Headquarters, 1998 ISBD(ER): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources . Revised from the ISBD (CF). Recommended by the ISBD(CF) Review Group. München: K.G.Saur, 1997 (UBCIM Publications – New Series, vol. 17). Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. Final report. IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. München: K.G.Saur, 1998. (UBCIM Publications – New Series, vol. 19). Murtomaa, Eva. "The Impact of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. Recommendations on the ISBD(ER)". IFLA Conference, Amsterdam. 065-74(WS)-E. Byrum, John. "Inclusion of Information Covering Electronic Resources in National Bibliographies: Results of a Survey Conducted May-June 1998”. IFLA Conference Bangkok 124-153(WS)-E. Guidelines for Authority and Reference Records (GARR). 2 nd ed., revised by the IFLA Working Group on GARE Revision. München:K.G.Saur, 2001 (UBCIM Publixcations-New Series, vol.23). UNIMARC Manual Authorities Format. 2nd revised enlarged edition. München: K.G.Saur,2001 (UBCIM Publications-New Series.vol.22). UNIMARC Guideline No. 6. Electronic Resources . Frankfurt am Main : IFLA UBCIM Programme, 2000.
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