Organizing Models of Library Consortia: Forming Sustainable Participation among Potential Partners in India

Pal, Jiban K. Organizing Models of Library Consortia: Forming Sustainable Participation among Potential Partners in India. Annals of Library and Information Studies (ISSN:0972-5423), 2016, vol. 63, n. 3, pp. 194-202. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

This paper critically examines the prevalent situations that have been leading to resource sharing; primarily emanated from library cooperatives, interlibrary loan, buying clubs; subsequently changed to utility services, site licensing, and ultimately the Consortium – an emerging toolkit for libraries to survive. The strategic alliances amongst libraries and the growth of library consortia have been discussed. The implications of different consortia models to the Indian libraries are explained; which suggests a sustainable consortia organization among potential partners. The paper also attempts to provide an insight into how consortia strategies can overcome an unending fiscal constraint, and to sustain the buying power in collection development for better access to greater resources.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Collaborative librarianship;Strategic alliance;Library consortium;Consortia models;Sustainable partnership;Collection development
Subjects: F. Management. > FC. Finance.
L. Information technology and library technology
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Dr. Jiban K. Pal
Date deposited: 10 Feb 2021 11:05
Last modified: 10 Feb 2021 11:05


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