Understanding Research Productivity in the Realm of Evaluative Scientometrics

Pal, Jiban K. and Sarkar, Soumitra Understanding Research Productivity in the Realm of Evaluative Scientometrics. Annals of Library and Information Studies (ISSN:0972-5423), 2020, vol. 67, n. 1, pp. 67-69. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Selecting appropriate metrics and translate into the practical situation through empirical design is a cumbersome task in measuring the research productivity. A single indicator cannot work well in different situations, but selecting the'most suitable'one from dozens of indicators is very confusing. Nevertheless, establishing benchmarks in research evaluation and implementing all-factor productivity is almost impossible. Understanding research productivity is, therefore, a quintessential need for performance evaluations in the realm of evaluative scientometrics. Evaluative scientometrics endorses the measures that emerge during the decision-making process through relevant metrics and indicators expressing the organizational dynamics. Evaluation processes governed by counting, weighting, normalizing, and then comparing seem trustworthy.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Evaluative scientometrics; Research productivity; Institutional performance; Research evaluation
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods
B. Information use and sociology of information > BC. Information in society.
Depositing user: Dr. Jiban K. Pal
Date deposited: 08 Feb 2021 17:21
Last modified: 08 Feb 2021 17:21
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/41739


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