Names of the Far East: Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Authority Control [English version presented at the International Conference] = Nomi dell’estremo oriente: authority control per i nomi giapponesi, cinesi e coreani [Versione italiana presentata alla Conferenza internazionale]

Naito, Eisuke Names of the Far East: Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Authority Control [English version presented at the International Conference] = Nomi dell’estremo oriente: authority control per i nomi giapponesi, cinesi e coreani [Versione italiana presentata alla Conferenza internazionale]., 2003 . In International Conference Authority Control: Definition and International Experiences, Florence, February 10-12 2003. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

National Institute of Informatics hosted three workshops were held in Tokyo entitled "Authority Control among Chinese, Korean and Japanese Scripts (CJK Authority)" supported by National Diet Library (NDL), Japan. The aim of this project is to pursue a standardised or harmonised cumulating of the name authority data of Chinese, Korean and Japanese language in other countries. Focus of the workshop is "Name". Names are, in the first instance, "Author Name". In future if the project factors allow, there will be coverage of proper nouns used locally in other countries. The target of this project is a "CJK Interchange Format of Authority Data" that conforms to the IFLA UNIMARC Authorities Format.

Italian abstract

Il National Institute of Informatics ha ospitato a Tokyo tre workshop intitolati Authority control among Chinese, Korean and Japanese scripts (CJK Authority) e finanziati dalla National Diet Library (NDL), Giappone. Lo scopo di questo progetto è proseguire una cumulazione standardizzata o armonizzata dei dati di name authority delle lingue cinese, coreana e giapponese in altri paesi. Focus del workshop è il "Nome". I nomi sono, in primo luogo, "nomi di autore". In futuro, se le variabili del progetto lo permetteranno, vi sarà una copertura di nomi propri usati localmente in altri paesi. Il target di questo progetto è un CJK Interchange Format of Authority Data che si conformi all'IFLA UNIMARC Authorities Format.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: China MARC, Japan MARC, KOR MARC, names of the Far East, authority files, authority records, National Institute of Informatics, NII/NACSIS, Korea Education and Research Information Services, KERIS, China Academic Library and Information System, CALIS, authority control among Chinese, Korean and Japanese scripts, CJK Interchange Format of Authority Data Controllo d’autorità in Cina, Giappone e Corea, archivi di autorità, record d'autorità, nomi dell’estremo oriente
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels.
I. Information treatment for information services
Depositing user: Maria Cristina Bassi
Date deposited: 06 Sep 2003
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:57


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