Understanding the relationship between e-learning and web 2.0: A bibliometric and thematic analysis from 2006 to 2020

López-Robles, José-Ricardo, Casas-Valadez, Mariano-Alberto, Guzmán-Fernández, Antonio, Monjaraz-Fraustro, Cecilia, Castorena-Robles, Andrea and Gamboa-Rosales, Nadia-Karina Understanding the relationship between e-learning and web 2.0: A bibliometric and thematic analysis from 2006 to 2020., 2020 . In 2020 Sixth International Conference on e-Learning (econf), Bahrain (online), 6th – 7th December 2020. (Unpublished) [Presentation]

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English abstract

Today, e-learning and the social web are immersed in a process of change and evolution, caused mainly by the social, cultural and technological revolution that we are experiencing. The latter is even more intense than the rest, since for many it is considered a catalyst for the rest and its speed of change is greater in all senses. Among the changes that it brings with it, we can highlight the use of communication technologies as an active and constant means of change, being the Web 2.0 one of the most relevant aspects. Although there is no definition as such, Web 2.0 can be understood as all those websites that facilitate the sharing of information, interoperability, user-centered design, as well as collaboration on the network, coming to understand this concept as the social web. However, the novelty of the concept and its rapid evolution makes it difficult to identify and analyze the main lines of research that exist. This situation can be understood as an opportunity, if we consider that the domain of e-learning and Web 2.0 will allow us to have a greater projection at an international level and a better understanding of its application. Taking into account this opportunity, the present article proposes the analysis of the main research lines of e-learning and Web 2.0, the definition of its intellectual structure and the identification of the most productive and referent authors, as well as the organizations and countries that support these, among other aspects. To this end, bibliometric techniques and tools will be used to easily analyze the publications available in the main databases, establishing a reference framework for professionals, academics and organizations on the use of e-learning and Web 2.0, its challenges and opportunities from a holistic perspective.

Item type: Presentation
Keywords: Organizational Strategy and Management Issues; Web 2.0 Applications; e-Learning Research Methods and Approaches
Subjects: F. Management.
G. Industry, profession and education.
L. Information technology and library technology
Depositing user: J.R. López-Robles
Date deposited: 15 Feb 2021 10:09
Last modified: 15 Feb 2021 10:09
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/41780


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