Trends in digital newspaper discovery: a natural experiment

Cribbs, Heather, Gardner, Gabriel and Holvoet, Katherine Trends in digital newspaper discovery: a natural experiment. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 2021, vol. 33, n. 1, pp. 13-29. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

In this article, the discovery and use of digital newspaper collections are explored by capitalizing on a natural experiment that arose when five California State University libraries activated the Primo newspapers search interface, and five other libraries with similar enrollment numbers and comparable demographic profiles did not. By analyzing Primo Analytics data, COUNTER R4 data, and A–Z database list click-through data collected from the ten libraries over the course of academic years (AY) 2018–2019 (pre-deployment) and AY 2019–2020 (post-deployment), the effects on usage and legible user behavior of introducing a specialized Primo newspaper scope are calculated. Researchers explore how this research method can be a model for libraries to investigate trends within their own organizations.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Digital newspapers, discovery, Primo, natural experiment framework, COUNTER
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DD. Academic libraries.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HA. Periodicals, Newspapers.
L. Information technology and library technology > LR. OPAC systems.
Depositing user: Gabriel Gardner
Date deposited: 22 Mar 2021 05:10
Last modified: 22 Mar 2021 05:10


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