Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure

Marcelo, Carlos and Marcelo, Paula Educational influencers on Twitter. Analysis of hashtags and relationship structure. Comunicar, 2021, vol. 29, n. 68, pp. 73-83. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

In this article we research Spanish educational influencers with major presence on Twitter: what are the most common topics or hashtags used by them, whether there are groups based on the topics of their interventions or what type of social network they configure. To meet these goals, we selected 54 educational influencers with a high number of followers. We analyzed and classified the hashtags included in a total of 106,130 tweets. The analysis of hashtags has shown us that the most labelled topics correspond to educational content in different areas of the curriculum, collaboration, exchange and dissemination of digital materials, documents or resources, as well as activities related to training or discussion about innovative teaching methodologies. Using the Gephi software, we carried out a Social Network Analysis, determining the degree of centrality and betweenness centrality of the 54 influencers, which allowed us to identify influencers with greater recognition by the rest. Through a modularity analysis, we were able to identify five groups of influencers that do not work as closed groups but maintain frequent interactions with other influencers in other groups. This research highlights the need to better understand the contents and procedures that may promote informal learning by teachers.

Spanish abstract

En este artículo indagamos acerca de los influencers educativos españoles con mayor presencia en Twitter: cuáles son los temas o hashtags más difundidos por ellos, las temáticas de sus intervenciones o qué tipo de red social configuran. Para dar respuesta a estos objetivos, en primer lugar, seleccionamos 54 docentes con alto nivel de seguidores. Analizamos y clasificamos los «hashtags» incluidos en un total de 106.130 tuits. El análisis de los hashtags nos ha mostrado que los temas más etiquetados corresponden a contenidos educativos en diferentes áreas del currículum, la colaboración, el intercambio y la difusión de materiales, documentos o recursos digitales, así como de acciones de formación o de debate sobre metodologías docentes innovadoras. Utilizando el programa Gephi hemos realizado un análisis de redes sociales, determinando el grado de centralidad y centralidad de intermediación de los 54 docentes, lo que nos ha permitido identificar influencers con mayor reconocimiento por parte del resto. A través del análisis de modularidad, hemos podido identificar cinco grupos de influencers que no funcionan como grupos cerrados, sino que mantienen frecuentes interacciones con el resto de influencers de otros grupos. A través de este estudio se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de conocer mejor los contenidos y procedimientos que pueden estar favoreciendo aprendizajes informales por parte de los docentes.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Digital activism; social network analysis; informal learning; teacher training; influencer; Twitter; Activismo digital; análisis de redes sociales; aprendizaje informal; formación del profesorado; influencer; Twitter
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BJ. Communication
G. Industry, profession and education.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Alex Ruiz
Date deposited: 21 Dec 2021 09:31
Last modified: 21 Dec 2021 09:31


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