Reviewing the Nexus of Participatory Journalism and Mediatized Engagement

Westlund, Oscar and Murschetz, Paul-Clemens Reviewing the Nexus of Participatory Journalism and Mediatized Engagement. Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies - JOCIS, 2022, n. 4, pp. 54-73. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

This study reviews the scholarly literature on participatory journalism and mediatized audience engagement as two emergent perspectives of digital journalism studies. We discuss four propositions drawn from an interdisciplinary literature. We find that a review and critical discussion of the nexus of relations and impacts of these perspectives provides valuable insights to the transformation of journalism and the news media industry. Furthermore, we believe that thinking about participatory journalism and mediatized audience engagement can be fruitfully applied to various novel approaches regarding research on the fundamental transformation of journalism in the digital age.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Audience engagement; Critical discussion; Digital journalism; Literature Review; Mediatization; News industry; Participatory journalism.
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BJ. Communication
E. Publishing and legal issues. > EA. Mass media.
G. Industry, profession and education. > GA. Information industry.
Depositing user: Dr. Nicoleta-Roxana Dinu
Date deposited: 24 Jun 2022 07:09
Last modified: 24 Jun 2022 07:09


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