Application of Ranganathan’s Five Laws to the World Wide Web

Noruzi, Alireza Application of Ranganathan’s Five Laws to the World Wide Web. Informatics Studies, 2019, vol. 6, n. 2, pp. 37-46. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The study analyzes the World Wide Web and raises a significant question 'Does the Web save the time of the users?' This question is analyzed in the context of Five Laws of the Library Science adopted for the Web by the author. The Five Laws of the World Wide Web are meant to be elemental, to convey a deep understanding and capture the essential meaning of the Web. These laws may seem simplistic, but in fact, they express a simple, crystal-clear vision of what the Web ought to be. Moreover, they are intended to echo the simplicity of Ranganathan’s Five Laws of Library Science, which inspired them.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: World Wide Web, Ranganathan's Laws, Five Laws of Library Science
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AA. Library and information science as a field.
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Dr. Alireza Noruzi
Date deposited: 29 Jul 2022 19:45
Last modified: 29 Jul 2022 19:45


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