The Need to Share Inter-Organizational Knowledge in Smartening Information and Knowledge Organizations and Centers in Smart Cities

Jafari Baghiabadi, Somayeh, Noruzi, Alireza, Vasfi, Mohammad Reza and Moradi, Shima The Need to Share Inter-Organizational Knowledge in Smartening Information and Knowledge Organizations and Centers in Smart Cities. Library and Information Science Research, 2022, vol. 12, n. 2, pp. 5-28. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Introduction: The creation and development of smart cities require creating a suitable platform, infrastructure, and capacity for the sharing and using capital and knowledge assets, including data, information, and knowledge produced by citizens, the government, and various organizations in all fields. One of the main problems and obstacles to the creation and development of smart cities is that knowledge assets of different types are distributed in different sectors or even in different regions related to stakeholders, as well as their systems and the purpose of using them. These are important ethical issues that need to be addressed by stakeholders/trustees in smart cities. The current state of active information and knowledge centers in the country, related to sharing knowledge assets, has created obstacles to the smart transformation and smartening of the above centers in data-oriented and knowledge-based smart cities. The present study, while pointing to the need for inter-organizational knowledge-sharing in smartening socio-cultural organizations, including information and knowledge centers, seeks to state the problems as the factors affecting the current state of inter-organizational knowledge sharing and the importance of identifying the underlying factors, steps, processes, methods and tools and ultimately the consequences in above centers in the context of smart cities. Methodology: The present applied study has been compiled with an analytical review approach using the documentary-library method based on the literature review and related texts in the fields of knowledge management, smart cities, and cultural development of these intelligent cities focusing on cultural institutions providing information and knowledge. In the present study, by using the documentary method, after explaining the position of information and knowledge organizations and centers in the smart city on the one hand and the necessity of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in the smart city; on the other hand, the need for inter-organizational knowledge sharing in the smartening up information and knowledge organizations and centers has been discussed. Findings: Sharing inter-organizational knowledge and knowledge capital are the key issues in the creation and development of smart cities. Socio-cultural organizations, as the providers of information and knowledge, have an important role in the cultural development of smart cities in dimensions of people and smart life, although there is no effective interaction and coordination between these organizations, their resources, and actions. Under the management and sharing of existing assets between these organizations, re-employment in the production and use of data, information and knowledge are prevented by various organizations, reducing the costs and the ability to share knowledge assets is effectively utilized in terms of planning, decision-making, and smartening services. Conclusion: Smart cities will be the result of interactions between citizens, organizations, and urban functions using data, information, knowledge, and information and communication technologies. As a result, it is necessary for all the organizations that are the source of providing services to citizens in certain areas in the city, based on a series of common data, information, and knowledge and at a common point, to make their decisions and only the result of the works of several organizations should be presented to the main beneficiaries or citizens. In this regard, smart cities as new urban ecosystems using open data, information, and knowledge as well as innovation system will lead to the integration of digital information and communication technologies, knowledge assets, and, consequently, increased responsiveness to citizens and improved quality of life. On the other hand, the ultimate goal of the smart city is to provide smart services in all areas related to urban life. Activities in the field of information and knowledge are associated with significant changes in the social and cultural structure of life and intelligent citizens and open a new arena for policymakers, including cultural organizations such as information and knowledge organizations.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Information and Knowledge Organizations, Inter-organizational Knowledge sharing, Knowledge Assets, Knowledge Management, Smart City, Socio-cultural Organizations
Subjects: F. Management. > FJ. Knowledge management
G. Industry, profession and education. > GD. Organizations.
Depositing user: Dr. Alireza Noruzi
Date deposited: 03 Dec 2022 11:33
Last modified: 03 Dec 2022 11:33


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