La presencia de la mujer en las publicaciones de Educación en Colombia: un análisis en el Emerging Sources Citation Index

Muñoz-Ñungo, Bibiana, Rodríguez-Faneca, Cristina, Maz-Machado, Alexander and Cuida, Astrid La presencia de la mujer en las publicaciones de Educación en Colombia: un análisis en el Emerging Sources Citation Index. Biblios, 2021, n. 82. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

Objective. The dissemination of the research carried out in the field of Education has been repeatedly analyzed in theacademic world. Several aspects have been studied, such as the relevance of journals in certain scientific areas, as well asthe scientific production or collaboration per country. Clarivate Analytis has recently incorporated new tools that aim to coverscientific fields or regions that are underrepresented in the WoS. Thus, the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) wascreated. The purpose of this study is to analyze the scientific production in the field of education in the ESCI in Colombia betwee n2005 and 2019 to identify the participation of women in this production. Method. This is an exploratory and descriptive study in which several bibliometric techniques are used to obtain the information. Both Excel and SPSSS software were used to perform the statistical procedures. The gender of all the authors of the document was determined. Results. Our search in the ESCI yielded a total of 3824 documents. The results indicate that in 2005 women only signed 36.67% of the documents, while in 2019 they signed up to 48.52% of them. 61,30% of the times the only author of thedocuments is a woman.The maximum number of authors is 8. The latter percentage is similar to that of single-autorship male signature, 63,46%. Conclusions.The data obtained allows us to conclude that the gender gap in publications in the field of education in Colombia is closing and that men and women currently sign almost the same number of documents per year.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: Colombia; Education; Gender; Scientific production; Scientometrics.
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods
B. Information use and sociology of information > BD. Information society.
Depositing user: Dr Alexander Maz Machado
Date deposited: 04 Jul 2023 22:51
Last modified: 04 Jul 2023 22:51


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