Kaizen System: A Strategy for Quality Management of Libraries and Information Centres

Sutar, Dhananjay B. Kaizen System: A Strategy for Quality Management of Libraries and Information Centres., 2014 . In Changing Trends in Academic Libraries and Librarianship in Digital Environment, Barr. Balasaheb Khardekar Library and Dept. of Library and Information Science,Shivaji University,Kolhapur., 25-26 February,2014. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Kaizen means going on to make improvements without thinking whether such improvement is needed or not. The basic purpose of Kaizen is to go towards root cause of any problem and to remove it permanently. It helps to remove lack of efficiency and help people change their attitude for self-development. It results in qualitative development of products and services. Costs are minimized. Competitive advantage can be achieved and the professional caliber and competence can be improved. This article throws light on the use of Kaizen system for bringing about qualitative change in Libraries and information centres. The article describes Use of Kaizen in Libraries for quality and value issues, Explores the devices of kaizen for its use and application in LIS and outlines the 5 S’s in management of libraries and information centers.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Kaizen, Management of Libraries, Qualitative Change, Library Services, 5 S’s
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AA. Library and information science as a field.
F. Management.
Depositing user: Dr Dhananjay Bhagwan Sutar
Date deposited: 15 Sep 2023 20:43
Last modified: 15 Sep 2023 20:43
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/44832


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