Designing a Comprehensive Model for Developing a Smart Organizational Knowledge Map: A Hyper-Hybrid Approach Based on Meta-Ethnography

Mehrzadian, Dariush, Yazdani, Hamid Reza, Shahbazi, Meysam and Zarei Matin, Hasan Designing a Comprehensive Model for Developing a Smart Organizational Knowledge Map: A Hyper-Hybrid Approach Based on Meta-Ethnography. International Journal of Digital Content Management, 2023, vol. 4, n. 6. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

This study aimed to design a comprehensive model for intelligent organizational knowledge mapping with a hyper-hybrid approach based on meta-ethnography. In this article, various sources and theories about the knowledge map have been examined and analyzed using the meta-combined and meta-ethnography methods. Using the results of the work, a comprehensive model of knowledge map has been developed. Based on the qualitative approach in this research, the meta-hybrid method based on meta-ethnography has been used. The tool used has been articles related to mapping knowledge for smart organizations. A total of 34 pieces of research were found with the keywords related to designing and developing the knowledge map in the title field. Finally, after 4 stages of refinement, out of 34 studies, 8 were excluded and 26 studies were selected for data analysis. In this article, by examining and analyzing various patterns of knowledge map development, finally, an 11-step model was developed. The proposed model of eleven basic steps, respectively, includes: determining the knowledge objectives of these centers by developing knowledge maps and identifying users of knowledge maps, identifying definitions and terminology of knowledge centers, identifying the basic processes of these centers, and drawing and analyzing its process maps, Knowledge extraction from the activities in the processes of smart organizations according to the process map, creating a profile for the extracted knowledge, creating knowledge connections and relationships and integrating these connections into an illustrated interface, and finally validating the developed knowledge map.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: Digital Knowledge Intelligent Organization Knowledge Map Meta-Ethnography Organizational Knowledge
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
B. Information use and sociology of information > BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BI. User interfaces, usability.
Depositing user: Mr Saeed Asgharzadeh
Date deposited: 23 Oct 2023 03:44
Last modified: 23 Oct 2023 03:44


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