Social Media and Human Resource Management Approach: The Transformation Model Design

Babaei, Masoumeh, Danaei, Abolfazl and Faezi Razi, Farshad Social Media and Human Resource Management Approach: The Transformation Model Design. International Journal of Digital Content Management, 2022, vol. 3, n. 5. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

Purpose: The present article has been written to review studies in the field of social media evolution in human resources and the gaps in this research. This review paper is expected to motivate further research initiatives regarding the role of social media in different HRM practices. Method: The paper is based on 98 published papers collected from the Web of Science Database particularly from 1975 to 2021 (up to NOV) using VOSviewer software. Findings: After reviewing the paper contents, the author briefly highlighted the findings. According to studies, the results show that the issue of change has shifted to Transformation 4.0 in Media and HRM 4.0 in recent years. An approach that refers to concepts such as social networking and digital media. The results also show that traditional approaches to social media before 2018 are more related to Communication, Communities, Goals, Behavior, and so on. In recent years, concepts such as Technology, ACTIVISM, INTERNET USE, Facebook, Culture, etc. are related. Conclusion: The author expects that based on the findings; the organizational policymakers can get some practical guidelines regarding the efficient utilization of such a platform. In particular, the media can be a well-established platform for searching for competent employees and creating employer branding. Therefore, more and more research studies should be carried out focusing on this recent issue.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: social media Transformation HRM Scientific Map
Subjects: F. Management.
H. Information sources, supports, channels.
Depositing user: Mr Saeed Asgharzadeh
Date deposited: 31 Oct 2023 07:34
Last modified: 31 Oct 2023 07:34


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