The Perception of Iranian Teachers on Online Teaching Using Digital Carrier During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Malekolkalami, Mila The Perception of Iranian Teachers on Online Teaching Using Digital Carrier During the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Digital Content Management, 2020, vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 109-126. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Purpose: School closures in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic have caused a movement wave to hold classes online. Although, there had been some online classes for some courses, online teaching, and learning for students and school teachers have been an unprecedented experience; consequently, most teachers and students have a limited experience with it. This paper examines the Perception of Iranian Teachers on Distance Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic Methodology: The research method was a descriptive survey. Data was collected through an online questionnaire with 5 questions, involving 214 participants from schools in Iran. Findings: The findings show it has been the first experience with online classes for most teachers and Creating content for online classes and low levels of teacher's pedagogical digital competence are of the most significant challenges for teachers. Conclusion: Along with these alternations, it has been felt the need for instructional strategies, technological readiness to implement online learning, and teacher training courses with regard to modern technologies, as well as changes in national curricula must be made to increase flexibility and technological readiness.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: COVID-19, online classes, distance teaching, teachers’ perceptions Iran
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services
Depositing user: Mr Saeed Asgharzadeh
Date deposited: 25 Dec 2023 09:46
Last modified: 25 Dec 2023 09:46


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